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PGS Santander



Project: PGS Santander

Location: Santader, Cantabria, Spain

Year | Duration: 2020 - actualidad

Parters: LurStudio, Erdu, ABtemas

Client: Santander City Countil



The Santander City Council begins in 2020 the preliminary works for the revision of the General Plan of Urban Planning of Santander (PGS). The PGS is the basic and main instrument for the comprehensive planning of uses and buildings in Santander. It basically regulates what, where and how much can be done within the municipal physical sphere, both on public and private land.

The general approach to citizen participation is based on going beyond planning Santander FOR their citizens, and planning Santander WITH their citizens

Therefore, it started with three main objectives: 

  • • To inform and train citizens and participating agents about the key issues on which the PGS will affect.

  • • To facilitate a real and effective participation of the greatest number and diversity of people

  • • To contribute to the revision of the PGS through previous contributions and with a greater degree of collective consensus.

A series of actions were proposed within a macro approach based on preparation, information, participation and evaluation. 



In the information phase, the participatory process and the contents of the PGS were made known to guarantee an informed participation, through a website, informative sessions and various divulgative materials.



After the information, the participation was carried out, which could be done through a variety of face-to-face and digital channels, such as:

  • • Online consultation 

  • • Neighborhood tables

  • • Sector tables

  • • Child-youth tables 

  • • Urban walks with the technical team. 

The objective and success of the process was to be able to reach the greatest number and diversity of people; a diverse, plural, inclusive, equitable and equal participation.



Finally, in the evaluation and feedback phase, the diversity of contributions collected through the different channels is being collected and synthesized in order to somehow "translate" them back into a more technical language, so that participation can effectively, contribute to establishing guidelines and strategic lines for the revision of the PGS.

In total, 1951 people participated, of which 984 did so digitally and the rest through different face-to-face channels.

