Listening to people and their experiences is essential for a solid participation process and a well-thought-out design. That’s why we recently went out to the Meir to interview passersby and hear their thoughts on how they experience this lively street.
Together with StudioPaolaVigano, Radiance.35, and atelierruimtelijkadvies, we are helping to fine-tune the design to better meet the needs of its users. After all, the Meir is about to be redeveloped!
What do you think?
🌙 Is the Meir attractive at night? 🚲 Can cyclists easily pass through?🚶♀️ Do pedestrians feel safe? 🏛️ Are the beautiful buildings well-lit? 🏠 Would you want to live above a shop? 🎭 Is there a need for more space for artists and gatherings? 🧹 Should it be cleaner, or does a bit of urban chaos add charm?