Redesign Wettersesteenweg

For Agency Roads and Traffic Flanders
With Sint-Lievens_Houtem & Goegebeur

For the redesign of the Wettersesteenweg (N462), a road that goes right through the village centers of Sint-Lievens-Houtem and Bavegem, we were asked by AWV to develop and supervise a new methodology.

The methodology should give residents insight into the design choices for the reconstruction of the regional road. Together with AWV, the municipality of Sint-Lievens-Houtem and Studiebureau Goegebeur, we developed a puzzle exercise for a dialogue moment. Beforehand, local residents and experts went on neighborhood walks together. During the dialogue session, residents puzzled over proposals and came up with road profiles for a safe redesign of the road. During the session the realization grew that the current parking spaces can no longer be accommodated and that intakes of their front yards may be necessary. We brought all the suggestions, concerns and priorities together in a report so that it is clear to all parties what the results of the exchange were.