Mobility Plan Landen

2020 - 2023
For City of Landen
With Vectris

Landen’s mobility plan, dating back to 2010, was in need of an update. To develop a forward-looking plan and ensure broad support for mobility solutions, the city council initiated a comprehensive participatory process involving residents and other stakeholders. Together with the city council, we designed a participation plan and presented it to local associations and civil society, using them as a sounding board.

Two surveys were launched to gather input from the community. The first survey, focusing on railroad crossings, received 400 responses, while the second, addressing general mobility, gathered insights from 1,087 participants. Safety, particularly for school commutes, emerged as a significant concern. To address this, we made a concerted effort to involve young people, resulting in 1 in 5 participants being under the age of 18. The survey results were shared with the community through an engaging film and interactive maps, ensuring transparency and accessibility.

Based on the survey insights, we worked in co-creation with citizen panels and schools to develop scenarios and measures for the updated mobility plan. This vision was further refined into a concrete action plan, which was presented to advisory councils and enhanced through a workshop with local merchants and city officials. The proposal was then made publicly accessible via the city’s website.

This participatory process not only updated Landen’s mobility plan but also ensured that it reflects the diverse needs and priorities of the community, with a particular focus on creating safer, more inclusive mobility solutions.